Monday, April 11, 2011

Dear Love,

You are different than any I’ve ever met.
Why is it when I am near you, everything feels alright?
Why do you hurt so deep when you are unbearable?
Why are you unpredictable?
Why do I find you in the silliest of places?
You cause accidents which aren’t meant to happen, and yet they are.
Why do you bring the height of joy, yet the depths agony all in The Moment?
How can you keep me grounded in reality, yet soaring high in the tallest cloud?
Why does your blade cut the deepest?
Is it because you are The Protector and The Slayer?
Are you as gentle as you seem?
A Protector; a Slayer; Tormentor; Companion.
How can you be all this and be so simple, though simple you are not?
Your Map of Lines and Triangles only set to confuse and hinder.

Why do you speak in two voices from head to heart and heart to head?
Do you seek to mislead?
Do you seek to reveal?
You are so simple, yet infinitely complex.
You can’t be explained with less than a sentence, but easily described within your own name.
You make my chest swell, and set my heart free!
Your fantasies are hardly reality, yet remain real to me.
How can you cause one Soul to care for Another so much they forget themselves?
But how can you drive others to mistake and Insanity?
It is not your nature to make a fool of mankind?
You defy the voice of reason, and speak volumes of far-fetching dreams!
Why must you confuse?
Why are you so frightening in your pure and true form?
Why do you cause grown men to shrink from your arms, though warm and beautiful they be?
How can you be so fleeting, but last for Eternity?
How do you break but mend hearts all in one breath?

Love, you elude me.
You hurt me, but Heal me.
You cloud Sight, but clear Sight.
Why can’t you be simple, and easy to understand?
You bring me happiness beyond my being, and slicing agony I cannot bear.
You give me wings to fly, a voice to sing, and tears to cry,
but you create confusion I wish to dispel.

Oh dearest Love, will you ever give me rest?

January 29, 2011

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